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Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2009 angezeigt.

Green Toshiba

Like you can read here .... toshiba is the greenest pcmanufacture of the time. ... By the way... why does nintendo get the last place? the got the least powerconsumtion . i didn't read the summary from greenpeace.


Howto convert dvb-t2xvid? mencoder works great 4:3 Streams: Copy Audiostream mencoder 001.vdr -oac copy -aid 128 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800:threads=2:aspect=4/3 -vf scale -xy 720 -o <destinationpath> Reencode Audiostream (1st?) with Lame mencoder 001.vdr -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800:threads=2:aspect=4/3 -vf scale -xy 720 -o <destinationpath> 16:9 Streams: mencoder 001.vdr -oac copy -aid 128 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800:threads=2:aspect=16/9 -vf scale -zoom -xy 720 -o <destinationpath> Testingparameter -endpos 6 Enhancemants: Xvid with quantizier instead of cbr vbr instead of cbr for lame

Building GCC requires GMP 4.1+ and MPFR 2.3.0+

Solution: sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev By the way... .my .config: # CONFIG_PREFIX is not set CONFIG_BOOTLOADER = y CONFIG_GENERATE_ROOTFS_DIR = y # CONFIG_ROOTFS_DIR is not set # CONFIG_GENERATE_EXT2_ROOTFS_IMAGE is no set # CONFIG_EXT2_ROOTFS_SIZE is not set # CONFIG_EXT2_ROOTFS_IMG is not set # CONFIG_GENERATE_CRAM_ROOTFS_IMAGE = y CONFIG_CRAMFS_NEEDS_SWAP = y # CONFIG_CRAM_ROOTFS_IMG is not set CONFIG_GENERATE_SQUASH_ROOTFS_IMAGE = y # CONFIG_SQUASH_ROOTFS_IMG is not set # type is m740 or m750s CONFIG_M7X0_TYPE = m740 CONFIG_BUSYBOX = y # CONFIG_GDB is not set CONFIG_ZLIB = y # CONFIG_ZLIB_STATIC is not set # CONFIG_READLINE is not set # CONFIG_NCURSES is not set # CONFIG_BASH is not set CONFIG_DOSFSTOOLS = y CONFIG_E2FSPROGS = y CONFIG_LIRC = y CONFIG_PURE-FTPD = y # CONFIG_MINI-SENDMAIL is not set CONFIG_SSMTP = y CONFIG_EGCS = y CONFIG_VDR = y CONFIG_VDR_TREE = andreas-unstable # CONFIG_VDR_LOCAL_PATH is not set CONFIG_VDR-PLUGINS = unstable/epgsearch unstable/filebrowser uns...

Kill UAC

Perosonally I think, that UAC is something good for the "normal" User. But... its anoying if you are an developer. Try to put this in somthing like killuac.vb: '// 1337H4x Written by _____________ '//                    (12 year old) Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") '// Toggle Start menu WshShell.SendKeys("^{ESC}") WScript.Sleep(500) '// Search for UAC applet WshShell.SendKeys("change uac") WScript.Sleep(2000) '// Open the applet (assuming second result) WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{ENTER}") WScript.Sleep(2000) '// Set UAC level to lowest (assuming out-of-box Default setting) WshShell.SendKeys("{TAB}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") '// Save our changes WshShell.SendKeys("{TAB}") WshShell.SendK...