Perosonally I think, that UAC is something good for the "normal" User. But... its anoying if you are an developer. Try to put this in somthing like killuac.vb: '// 1337H4x Written by _____________ '// (12 year old) Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") '// Toggle Start menu WshShell.SendKeys("^{ESC}") WScript.Sleep(500) '// Search for UAC applet WshShell.SendKeys("change uac") WScript.Sleep(2000) '// Open the applet (assuming second result) WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{ENTER}") WScript.Sleep(2000) '// Set UAC level to lowest (assuming out-of-box Default setting) WshShell.SendKeys("{TAB}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") WshShell.SendKeys("{DOWN}") '// Save our changes WshShell.SendKeys("{TAB}") WshShell.SendK...