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Es werden Posts vom März, 2009 angezeigt.

negativ emotion statistic

what does google think sucks most? :-D i searched for some product and vendornames in combination with the word "sucks"... funny... google thinks, that apple sucks 31,83 times more than linux ... great. well i personly think that this is no relevant information! of course! ;-) for all who want to check this... i used google.de for research Keyword Hits 28.03.09 Vendor or Productname, Hitcount, Factor to the least "sucking" entity Apple, 10600000, 31,83 Google, 5570000, 16,73 Internetexplorer, 2770000, 8,32 Firefox, 2520000, 7,57 Yahoo, 1180000, 3,54 MacOS, 1100000, 3,3 Google, Chrome, 929000 2,79 Windows, 866000, 2,6 Microsoft, 448000, 1,35 Linux, 333000, 1

interfax fax.tc

intefax is a provider to send fax per mail. the trick is to remember how to format the emailadress. the adress has to look like this sample: + 497114909015@fax.tc yes fax is bad and stinky but some officials from the local administration still stick to it

what does google think about eclipse?


h ttp://xkcd.com

Create a Setupprogramm

Howto create a setup without vs:                 csharp developer                      wix from sourceforge                 inno http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=21eabb90-958f-4b64-b5f1-73d0a413c8ef&displaylang=en