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Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2012 angezeigt.

Automate your (post windowssetup) Systemsetup

To automate your systemsetup you have to handle: Automation of installation of applications Automation of installation of drivers Automation of basic configurtaiontasks The solution: Use of commanlineparamters of setuppackages ( unattended.sourceforge.net did a great job) "xcopy /e" drivers which are not aviable through windows update to %systemroot%\inf to install drivers silently basic configuration use netsh to import your wlanprofile (great job from http://mantraaz.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/script-to-add-wireless-profile/ ) use regedit /s to import yor regentries silently use ninet.com to get most applications completly automated put everything on a pendrive and the commands in a batchfile In my case the outcome looks is this: @echo off echo Start this as Admin! pause rem http://unattended.sourceforge.net/installers.php rem wlandriver .\Drivers\WLAN_ATHEROS_V8.0.0.258_WIN7_CA41534-6772\setup.exe /s /a /sms rem http://mantraaz.wordpress.com/2010/...