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Es werden Posts vom 2013 angezeigt.

Make FreeDownloadManager silent

While downloading files is getting more and more comfortable with common browsers i still stick with the free downloadmanager because browser still miss the feature of resuming on connection errors. To get freedownloadmanager realy silent you have to activate following option (which i always forget where it has to be activated):

Custom error page 404 @ stackoverflow


open7x0client - the last

ClickOnce deployment is crapy! too sad that ms dropped the setup projekt type. whatever...: here is the latest and probably last version of my open7x0client. Major updates: MP4 target format - looks great on my android MP4 Tags are now written (filled with EPG Infos from vdr.info ) Batch encoding of multiple selected recordings - aim and forget ;) More guifeedback while indexing the box (still a hack) download it from here: http://seeland.biz/blog/m740/open7x0OneClickDeployment/publish.htm

Debian - Find diskeating directories

the disk of my vps is running out of space i had no idea what was the cause http://wiki.debian.org/FreeSpace gave me the hint to use ncdu. it was dead easy to find out a directory is using quite the half space i have in my vps. ncdu is great! thanks to Yoran Heling. by the way... the disk was filled by the podcatcher. i forgot podget which harvested some podcasts since 2010 ... i wrote about it http://debianisttoll.blogspot.com/2010/06/castget-podget-podcatcher-usable-with.html . podget is great.

Exclude mediafiles (pics, mp3, ...) from your stock player or galary - Samsung Galaxy *

If use some apps which create mediafiles which appear after some time in the mp3 player.... and just hitting play all stopped to make fun because it also plays non-music-mp3s... Solution - Exclude Directories from Media Scanner: Create in every Directory which you want to exclude a file with the name .nomedia . You can use something like es explorer to do that. or you can use http://market.android.com/details?id=ch.droida.nomedia after that you have to restart your phone to get your change recognized by your system (media scan should run on startup) in my case i had to clear the data of the application media storage: Go to settings. Click All Applications tab. Click Media Storage. Click Clear Data. Click OK.

Google 404 Custom Errorpage

pdf to dxf

if you get a cad plan in pdf format you have a problem: Pdf can not be loaded in most cad programs. I used pstoedit to solve this problem. Pstoedit is a free tool to convert pdfs to dxf. What you have to do: Install pstoedit Install ghostscript shot at your pdfs: pstoedit.exe <pdfSource> <dxfOutput> -f dxf thanks to the author of pstoedit! Here is the pstoedit.exe -help output: No output format specified (-f option) and format could not be uniquely deduced from suffix .dxf of output file Available formats :     psf:            .fps:    Flattened PostScript (no curves)     (built-in) -------------------------------------------     ps:            .spsc:    Simplified PostScript with curves     (built-in) -------------------------------------------     debug:         ...

Create Mp4 with C#

I found a way to encode to mp4 and h264 with mencodersharp. Videoparameter: -vf dsize=16/9,scale=-10:-1,harddup -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -sws 9 -x264encopts nocabac:level_idc=30:bframes=0:bitrate=512:threads=auto:turbo=1:global_header:threads=auto Audioparameter: -oac faac -faacopts mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 This worked with an mpeg2ps stream as source. See http://code.google.com/p/mencoder-sharp for mencodersharp

Error TF254027: TFS Install and Language Restrictions in SQL Server (Express)

German windows 7 + German TFS 2012 Express setup = German Errormessage (Error TF254027: TFS Install and Language Restrictions in SQL Server (Express)) English Windows 7 + English TFS 2012 Express setup = Success German Windows 7 + English TFS 2012 Express setup = Success WTF ? read: http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=&to=en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fsocial.msdn.microsoft.com%2FForums%2Fes-ES%2Fvcses%2Fthread%2F6659406c-3fc5-4ddf-9904-ecbff723fc5b%2F or read: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2012/10/23/tfs-install-and-language-restrictions-in-sql-server-express.aspx i did not read and burned some time by setting up from cratch :|

Visual Studio Extensions in VS 2012

Free Extensions i use freqently: AnkSVN     is a SVN Client integrated in the solutionbrowser GhostDoc     Is a tool which creates commentstubs SHFB     Toolset to to create helpfiles of your code by pulling your coments Visual Achivments     socialices your programming Wix Toolset     ... most promising setupproject replacement (VS 2012 kicked the Setupproject)

Use self signed certificates, dynamic dns (and tfs express 2012)

Check some domain at no-ip.org (dyndns.com is anyoing complicate to get some free dyndns service) Create a self signed certificate and set the commonname to the reserved hostname from no-ip.org  e.g with the visual studio consol tool makecert: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>makecert -r -n "CN=whatever.no-ip.org" -pe -ss my Export it from your certificatestore (command mmc -> add snip-in -> certificates -> personal certificates -> all tasks -> export... -> you will get a pfx-file Import it at your webserver import it at your client (start IE as admin -> browse to site with unsigned certificate -> ignore warning -> install certifcate -> choose location -> trusted root certificates) Works great in combinatio...

Thunderbird - configure it to send in background

Thunderbird keeps its composing window open while sending an emailuntil it has been transfered to the emailsever. this is acceptable when you have an reliable internetconnection. ... with unrelaible internetconnection (i like to write email while going by train) you have to manually switch between online and offlinemode and confirm every failed connectionattempt. there is a feature which is in development (since years) which can help you getting connectionattemps silent: I wonder if this function is usable... testing in next weeks. Read this to get overview of the unfinished feature: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird/TestPlans/SendInBackground https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440794

open7x0client now encodes to mp4 by default

I played arround with some mencoderparamters and found a solution to directly encode to mp4 from my openvdr (open7x0 box) over ftp... Finally output of open7x0client can be viewed on my mobile. New Version can be downloaded here: http://seeland.biz/blog/m740/open7x0client/Open7x0ClientSetupMp4.msi