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Es werden Posts vom März, 2013 angezeigt.

pdf to dxf

if you get a cad plan in pdf format you have a problem: Pdf can not be loaded in most cad programs. I used pstoedit to solve this problem. Pstoedit is a free tool to convert pdfs to dxf. What you have to do: Install pstoedit Install ghostscript shot at your pdfs: pstoedit.exe <pdfSource> <dxfOutput> -f dxf thanks to the author of pstoedit! Here is the pstoedit.exe -help output: No output format specified (-f option) and format could not be uniquely deduced from suffix .dxf of output file Available formats :     psf:            .fps:    Flattened PostScript (no curves)     (built-in) -------------------------------------------     ps:            .spsc:    Simplified PostScript with curves     (built-in) -------------------------------------------     debug:         ...

Create Mp4 with C#

I found a way to encode to mp4 and h264 with mencodersharp. Videoparameter: -vf dsize=16/9,scale=-10:-1,harddup -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -sws 9 -x264encopts nocabac:level_idc=30:bframes=0:bitrate=512:threads=auto:turbo=1:global_header:threads=auto Audioparameter: -oac faac -faacopts mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 This worked with an mpeg2ps stream as source. See http://code.google.com/p/mencoder-sharp for mencodersharp