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Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2011 angezeigt.

Cleaning up email inbox - found some notes about smart solutions for debelopment

Buildscript for Visual Studio http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/265771/A-daily-build-script-for-your-project WCF REST & Oauth : http://www.dotnetopenauth.net/developers/help/programmatic-openid-relying-party/ , http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnoa/, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/oauth+rest , http://www.theleagueofpaul.com/codesnippet-ooo-openid-odata-oauth-together.html , http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/is/wcfprerelease/thread/cb4f6b1f-519f-49bf-84ac-7f5fdf411af7 , http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/ FTP & .net: http://ftplib.codeplex.com/ - works great others: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotnetftpclient/ http://www.dijksterhuis.org/webclient-class-upload-download-ftp-files/ .net Wrapper for RAS: http://dotras.codeplex.com/ Wanna call Win32 and ohter unmanaged Code from .net? http://pinvoke.net/

Howto get leased IP-Adress of ICS DHCP Server of Windows

The leased Adress of the ICS in Windows is not shown on the serverside. this is ok in most cases because you can read it on the client but in rare cases this is not possible (e.g. embedded devices). Use wireshark to get the adress out of yout networkcommunication:

offline E-Card reader

Built an e-Card chipcard ( http://www.chipkarte.at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-card_(Chipkarte) ) offlinereader based only on .net code .... using http://www.codeproject.com/KB/smart/SmartcardFmwk.aspx . Until now i am able to read Social insurance number, Brithdate, First-, Lastname and Sex.