I got this working a few months ago. I want to index Documents from Openoffice.
Google Desktop Search is evil. Copernic Desktop Search became Adwaresupported. I don't remember why but yahoo or whatever was not acceptable by some reason too. Is there any other Desktopsearchengine with Openofficesupport?
What you need:
Windows Desktop Search
StarOffice/OpenOffice IFilter (1.4 works with oo3.0) (free for noncommercial use)
You need to modify your registry (you could paste this into an install.reg file or download it from here ):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Of course you have to alter the pathes to be valid. By the way: This is also documented in the readme that shows up after installing the IFilter... but its not realy enduserfriendly written.
After that i think (i already said, that it some months past) you have to rebuild the index.
works great here on xp table edition 2005. So what is missing? Thunderbird should be indexed with TB3.0
I got this working a few months ago. I want to index Documents from Openoffice.
Google Desktop Search is evil. Copernic Desktop Search became Adwaresupported. I don't remember why but yahoo or whatever was not acceptable by some reason too. Is there any other Desktopsearchengine with Openofficesupport?
What you need:
Windows Desktop Search
StarOffice/OpenOffice IFilter (1.4 works with oo3.0) (free for noncommercial use)
You need to modify your registry (you could paste this into an install.reg file or download it from here ):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Of course you have to alter the pathes to be valid. By the way: This is also documented in the readme that shows up after installing the IFilter... but its not realy enduserfriendly written.
After that i think (i already said, that it some months past) you have to rebuild the index.
works great here on xp table edition 2005. So what is missing? Thunderbird should be indexed with TB3.0