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ffmpeg wrapper for .net and java

Ok. I built a custom ffmpeg wrapper but it was just a dirty hack. it was not encapsulated clean.... it worked but it was just tooo ugly to develop some extension... wrapping looked something like this:

THIS DOES NOT WORK it is refactored to death:
   class MencoderSharp
        public static bool mencoder(System.Uri infovdrpath, string ratio, System.Uri destinationpath, BackgroundWorker worker, bool deleteConverted,string audioparameter, string videoparamter, bool testRun, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            int returncode = 0;
            foreach (string sourcepath in Directory.GetFiles(infovdrpath.ToString().Substring(0, infovdrpath.ToString().Length - 9), "0*.vdr"))
                Process p = new Process();
                //p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\whatever";
                p.StartInfo.FileName = @"mencoder.exe";
                p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
                p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                string arguments;
                if (ratio == "4/3")
                    arguments = "\"" + sourcepath + "\" " +audioparameter  + " " + videoparamter + " " + destinationpath;
                    arguments = "\"" + sourcepath + "\" " + audioparameter + " " + videoparamter + " " + destinationpath;
                // for testing:
                if (testRun)
                    //nur die ersten 6 sekunden mencodieren:
                    arguments = arguments + " -endpos 6";
                //richTextBox1.Text = "\n\n" + richTextBox1.Text + arguments + "\n";
                //p.StartInfo.Arguments = sourcepath + "  -oac copy -aid 128  -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800:aspect="+ratio+"  -vf scale=-10:-1 -o \"" + destinationpaht + "\"";
                //richTextBox1.Text += arguments;
                p.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
                //p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                //richTextBox1.Text += arguments + "\n";

                //nur eins darf synchron gelesen werden!! http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/system.diagnostics.processstartinfo.redirectstandarderror.aspx
                //richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                //richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + p.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
                if (worker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                e.Result = p.ExitCode;
                //Wenn das Konvertieren erfolgreich war, dann lösche doch bitte das original
                if (p.ExitCode != 0)
                    returncode = 1;
            if (returncode == 0)
                foreach (string sourcepath in Directory.GetFiles(infovdrpath.Substring(0, infovdrpath.Length - 9), "0*.vdr"))
                    //Filenamen für die temporären transkodierten Datein generieren
                    string tempfilename = destinationpath.Insert(destinationpath.Length - 4, sourcepath.Substring(sourcepath.Length - 7, 3));
                    File.Move(tempfilename, tempfilename.Substring(0, tempfilename.Length - 4) + ".avi");

                if (!testRun)
                    Directory.Delete(infovdrpath.Substring(0, infovdrpath.Length - 9), true);
                    richTextBox1.Text += infovdrpath.Substring(0, infovdrpath.Length - 9) + " wurde gelöscht\n";
                //Wenn die Transkodierung unerfolgreich war, dann bitte die tmpdatein löschen
                foreach (string sourcepath in Directory.GetFiles(infovdrpath.Substring(0, infovdrpath.Length - 9), "0*.vdr"))
                    //Filenamen für die temporären transkodierten Datein generieren
                    string tempfilename = destinationpath.Insert(destinationpath.Length - 4, sourcepath.Substring(sourcepath.Length - 7, 3));
                    if (File.Exists(tempfilename))

  • source code available for money
  • free for personal and commercial use
  • Last Rlease: 2008
  • GPL
  • Last Rlease: 2009
  • Last Rlease: 2006

  • GPL
  • Last Rlease: 2009
public void encode(java.io.File source, java.io.File target, it.sauronsoftware.jave.EncodingAttributes attributes)

  • GPL
  • Last Rlease: 2008


JMF wrapper for ffmpeg
  • Last Rlease: 2006

.net Wrapper for libvlc - use vlc to play videos in .net


By now JAVE seems to be the most attraktive ffmpeg wrapper for a highlevel lanugage. see http://www.sauronsoftware.it/projects/jave/manual.php#9 for what i mean. maybe i report later if it does the job ...


Anonym hat gesagt…
Hi, mich würde interessieren welche Erfahrungen du mit JAVE gemacht hast, oder ob du den Wrapper/FFMPEG Integration nochmal gewechselt hast?
Gruß, Jo
stefan hat gesagt…
hi Jo,
JAVE will nur java.io.file als parameter. das ist unbrauchbar für mich. ich will sourcen, die über ftp abzuholen sind, benutzen.
Sonst hat das ding, soweit ich mich erinnern kann, ganz gut funktioniert.
gruss stefan
stefan hat gesagt…
solved my own problem with http://code.google.com/p/mencoder-sharp/

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